第77屆香港校際音樂節 - 聲樂 及 鋼琴項目訓練課程
The 77th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival - Vocal and Piano Training Course

關於課程 ABOUT
聲樂指導課程 (Training A)由 Miss Tiffany Lau 一對一 親自教授 [關於Miss Tiffany Lau]
Training A is provided by Miss Tiffany Lau.
All individual courses provide below can be arranged with flexibly.
(First come first served base)
本校可代報比賽, 截止日期為10月21日
Participants can enter the contest through our Academy, please contact us on or before 21st Oct 2024.
本校可代安排伴奏老師、代購正本譜 及 比賽錄影
Our Academy can arrange Piano Accompanist / Order official Music Scores/ Contest recording session on behalf of participant.
學員將獲資格參加2025 年1月25 日 賽前預賽 *如情況不許可,此預賽將暫停
Eligibility in Pre-competition Concert * Subject to availability
以下課程只適用於2024年10月1日 至 2025年3月31日期間
All the courses provide below must be redeemed during 1st Oct 2023 - 31st Mar 2024.
此課程屬 增潤課程,如學員未增學習聲樂,請聯本校諮詢
These course are Enrichment Course, if the participant never has any vocal training, please contact us for consultation.
注意事項 Remarks:
Any cancellation / amendment request within one week, will not be guaranteed to have re-arrangement. -
少於24小時的取消/更改要求,將不獲任何補堂/延期/ 退款
Any cancellation / amendment less than 24 hours will not have any re-arrangement / deferral/ refund. -
遲到/ 無故缺席 課堂,將不獲任何補堂/延期/ 退款
Any late / absence will not have any re-arrangement / deferral/ refund. -
TLVPA reserves the right towards all lesson arrangement. -
No refund /any transfer after course acceptance.